Our Team
We are a committed group of individuals from around the country. Visit each group member’s bios below to learn more.
I found this retreat incredibly helpful and hopeful, even as we were guided to deeply examine the most challenging aspects of systemic racism and oppression. I found shared community and love in this group thanks to expert facilitation that held space for all to be exactly who they are. Thank you! – Kathleen, 2021
Kathy Castania, BA, MA
Founder/Consultant, Opening Doors: A Personal and Professional Journey
Betty García Mathewson, BA, MA
Associate Director in Leadership and Civil Engagement
SUNY Brockport
Eduardo González, Jr., BA, MPA, CCDP/AP
Assistant Director Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Dionardo E. Pizaña, BA, MA
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist, Emeritus
Agricultural Hall
Michigan State University Extension
Dan Roller, BA, M.Ed., Psy.D.
Activist and organizer for Organizing White Men for Collective Liberation and SURJ
Operations Specialist for Argonne National Laboratory
Maryellen Whittington-Couse, BA, MA International Administration, CCDP/AP
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Specialist
This was just what I needed to shift to a higher gear in my social justice work and the connections with others doing the work was very important and inspiring. The facilitation was excellent as well as the pacing. – Wendy, 2021