Our Offerings

Stony Point Center 2020

People who go through the experience tend to come out as agents for change within their sphere of influence. You see individuals go back to their workplaces and bring with them the lessons learned, strategies learned from Opening Doors and feel empowered to affect change where it might be needed. Whenever I have been at a table talking about the university and the role that diversity plays in; curriculum, student orientation, leadership, etc., what I have observed is that there is more than one voice speaking the same language about the role diversity should play.  I recognize the people as having attended Opening Doors.

- Jose Picart, Vice Provost for Diversity, North Carolina State University

Our Additional Offerings Include

  • Consultations/Meetings with Leadership 

    • Gather information on the DEIJ needs of the organization 

    • Recommend specific opportunities through Opening Doors Institute and other resources in the community to the meet the identified needs

  • Workshops

    • Framework for Change – foundational

    • It Starts When You are Young: How We Learn and Teach Oppression

    • Building Social Justice Through Enacting Allyship

    • Construction of Whiteness

  • Skill-Development

    • Training of Trainers/Facilitators of Skill Development

    • Responding to/Interrupting Oppressive Practices/Remarks 

    • Community of Learners/Peer Learning Circles

      • Exploring Whiteness Together Dialogue Series

  • Equity Coaching/Mentoring: Coaching support for navigating change processes. It  is based on the belief that the implementation of any organizational change initiative requires sustained focus and reflection by leadership sessions support proactive growth towards

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