Maryellen Whittington-Couse
Maryellen Whittington-Couse, Secretary
In the late 90’s I was introduced to what was then the Cornell Migrant Program Diversity Project. At the time it was focused on bringing the Opening Doors frameworks and workshop to school districts. As someone providing professional development and technical assistance to schools that had immigrant English language learners, I was excited and impressed by the depth and quality of the model they had developed.
In 2001I had the good fortune of joining the Opening Doors team and becoming a workshop facilitator. I had begun the personal and professional journey promised to all workshop participants that continues today. My passionate commitment to the mission and vision as well as to the long-term sustainability of the Institute has only grown over time.
I bring board member experience to my position as Secretary of the Opening Doors Institute Board of Directors. These organizations included the Rosendale Chamber of Commerce, the Mid-Hudson Human Resources Association, and the Worker Justice Center of New York. As a non-profit and educational administrator and manager, I have experience with human resource management and supervision, leadership coaching, fiscal management, strategic planning, professional development, grant development and successfully leading organizational change.
I feel privileged to be part of a Board of Directors that operates in partnership to ensure that the Opening Doors Institute continues to expand its impact – our world needs it now more than ever.